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City of Melbourne | Draft Annual Plan and Budget: feedback

5 June 2020 | City of Melbourne The draft Annual Plan and Budget 2020–21 is the final of the four-year Council Plan for 2017–21. This is a COVID-19 Recovery Budget, designed to support jobs and businesses, protect rate-payers and rebuild our local economy. The draft Annual Plan and Budget outlines $632 million worth of programs and initiatives in the 2020–21 financial year. This includes a freeze on rates for residents and businesses, a $50 million COVID-19 Recovery Package, a major focus on capital works projects, transport and on our climate emergency response. These are designed to help support Melbourne’s community and respond to the unprecedented economic and social challenges we are facing due to COVID-19. The Council would like to hear your feedback on what we’re planning to deliver in the year ahead. Learn more in the draft Annual Plan and Budget 2020–21 overview and have your say below. Submissions close Wednesday 17 June. To register to attend the Thursday 11 June (12.30pm-1.00pm) lunchtime Q& A session or to make a Submission: Read more  
