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Welcome to 2021! Your Business Recovery is our Focus.

19 Jan 2021 | MBN President’s Welcome to 2021 2021 is here and we know you would like to accelerate the profits, cash flows and quality leads in your business.

The Melbourne Business Network (MBN) has some important news that will impact you and your business.

The Melbourne Business Network is committed to the recovery of the Victorian economy. Through the Business Chambers and Trader Groups Program supported by the Victorian State Government, the MBN was successful in our proposal submission to create tools and a portal that will provide subject matter expertise and insights as well as drive connectivity between businesses to support their recovery.

Firstly, the MBN is investing in a business assessment tool. We listened to members who asked for a tool that assisted in reviewing all aspects of their business. A tool that allows you to self-assess areas that need attention. This will empower each business to prioritise what help they need to get their businesses back up and running. At the end of the assessment, they will know what their focus should be.

Secondly, we are investing in a new member portal. Here members will be able to engage with other businesses, create a profile to showcase their own business, and get access to free and ultimately paid content. After businesses use the assessment tool, their results will drive them to seek answers in areas that need their attention over the next 12 months. The platform is also a social learning management system (LMS). This means that businesses will be able to collaborate and create partnerships with other members whilst working on their businesses. This is such an exciting project and is scheduled for release by the end of February.

We look forward to better supporting you and being a force in the recovery of businesses in Melbourne and Victoria. Current MBN members will be emailed directly over the coming days about these exciting developments.

To become a member Join Now Wendi Dawson President
