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VSBC | COVID-19 Tenant and Landlord Support

1 June 2020 | VSBC: Tenant and Landlord Support The VSBC supports for tenants and landlords who have been impacted by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic; the VSBC has developed a stakeholder toolkit. This information includes:

  • the steps VSBC recommend tenants and landlords take
  • a proforma letter tenants can use to start the conversation with their landlord
  • how to access free mediation through VSBC to support fair tenancy negotiations under the Commercial Tenancy Relief Scheme
  • scenarios showing how VSBC office can help tenants and landlords that do and do not fall under the Scheme.

The VSBC’s has updated their web page https://www.vsbc.vic.gov.au/your-rights-and-responsibilities/retail-tenants-and-landlords/ for commercial tenants and landlords and have published FAQs on the Scheme, drawing on VSBC responses to the questions our team is most commonly asked at the moment. If you would like VSBC to deliver a presentation on the Scheme or provide any further information, please contact Cate Hamill on 9651 9114 or at cate.hamill@vsbc.vic.gov.au. Judy O’Connell | Victorian Small Business Commissioner As updated 29 May 2020  
