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B3000 Awards Launch 2018

BlueRock was host of the 2018 Business 3000 Awards Launch held on 22 February 2018.   Councillor Susan Riley, City of Melbourne, launched the B3000 Awards before introducing the key note speaker Dr Elaine Saunders. Dr Saunders MD of Blamey Saunders Hears spoke of her passion for innovation particularly in her field of audiology. Elaine is the Ambassador of the 2018 B3000 Awards. Co-CEO of Starez Adele Knipe, who are sponsors of the Innovation Award, spoke of the amazing growth and journey of their company since the days of winning the B3000 Award in 2014. She also touched upon the family nature of the business and inspiration of her father Alan, founder of the business. CEO of Victory Corporate Serviced Offices (VSCO) Dan Baxter, sponsor of this year’s Small Business Award, spoke of the drive required to be in business and the entrepreneurial spirit. Managing Director (Law) of BlueRock Bruce McFarlane gave an overview of the BlueRock business philosophy. BlueRock is the sponsor of the 2018 Business of the Year Award. Our thanks also to go the other awards sponsors: The State Government of Victoria (Female Entrepreneur Award), Moral Fairground (Sustainability Award) and The RACV Club (Social Enterprise Award).   The evening was introduced by Bev Friend, President and John Stock, Executive Director of Melbourne Business Network. For more images see: 2018-b3000-awards-launch-bluerock  
