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MBN | Message to members and Community

7 August 2020 | Wendi Dawson: President, Melbourne Business Network Dear MBN Members, Friends and Community, As we commence the Stage 4 restrictions and a 6-week lockdown across Melbourne, there is no doubt a mixture of emotions that we are all experiencing. Some businesses have been able to find a way to thrive during this time. Sadly, many others are facing varying degrees of uncertainty, stress, and anxiety. While there is no easy way to navigate this period, the Melbourne Business Network leadership team and I would like you to know that we are still working hard to be of service to all of you. Whether it’s bringing you relevant content through our website, social media (especially LinkedIn) or via our communications and business-critical webinars – many of which are complimentary for members. Please take note of the links, providing information that can assist you during this time, and much more information we have made available to you via the MBN website:  See: Business Resources Links | Upcoming Webinars/Events The MBN team will always do what we can to assist and ensure that you stay connected. We are here for you. Reach out to us for support if you need. My details are below or you can contact Executive Officer, Anita Bowtell, at anita.bowtell@melbournebusinessnetwork.org.au Looking forward to seeing you online. Until then, stay safe and well. Kind regards, Wendi Dawson President, Melbourne Business Network president@melbournebusinessnetwork.org.au
