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27 April 2020


After 20+ years as a MBN Committee member, Frank Gambera has decided it is time to pass on the mantle. Contributing over this time to the leadership and direction of the Network in a variety of capacities, Frank has most recently served as our Secretary. The Network has benefited immensely from Frank’s expertise in small business law, corporate advisory and franchising law as well as his passion for start-ups.


The MBN Team will miss his constant presence but Frank assures us that he will never be far away. We look forward to celebrating Frank’s contributions and tenure in person when circumstances allow. Stay tuned….


MBN are pleased to welcome Jennifer McEwan to the position of Secretary
A Principal at Wrays, one of the largest independent IP specialist firms in Australia, Jennifer has over 30 years’ experience in the area of intellectual property (IP) law, and a Bachelor of Law Degree. Jennifer also has ‘hands-on’ experience in business, starting a boutique IP firm in 2004 which ultimately merged with Wrays.

Beginning working life as a research biochemist at Murdoch University, WA, Jennifer’s journey into intellectual property started when entering the patent attorney profession at Wrays Perth where she completed qualifications as a patent attorney in 1993.
Jennifer has an impressive career history working with firms such as Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick, Blake Dawson Waldron (now Ashurst) and Gadens before establishing the specialist IP firms EKM legal in 2004 and EKM patent & trade marks in 2006. LinkedIn

Melbourne Business Network Current Committee Members